Do you need help with the Breast Cancer Recovery app?
Check below to see if your question has an answer.
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How do I get streamed into the right exercise program? I wasn’t exercising much before my diagnosis.
When you first login, you will be required to complete a detailed screening and fitness questionnaire. It will include questions about your diagnosis, treatment status and fitness levels. Once completed, you will automatically be streamed into one of the individualised Strength and Resistance Programs.
I had a single mastectomy and reconstruction just 4 weeks ago, and I am now limited in what I can do. What exercises should I do?
Breast Cancer Recovery has a Post Surgery Recovery section in Your Exercise Journey. Depending on how many weeks post surgery you are, click on the relevant Phase and do the recommended exercises in that Phase. Gradually increase the Phases as you progress in weeks post surgery.
Should I be doing a Strength and Resistance Program if I have just had surgery?
No, it is recommended you commence your individualised Strength and Resistance Program NO SOONER than 12 weeks post surgery. Go to the Post Surgery Recovery section in your Exercise Journey and click on the relevant Phase. It is also recommended to click on the Gentle Option of Daily Activities, and you incorporate one daily activity every day until you are 12 weeks post surgery. You may then commence your individualised Strength and Resistance Program and a Daily Activity from Gentle, Moderate to Advanced.
Whilst I have always been quite active, my chemotherapy at times has made me exhausted. How do I make sure I keep exercising, even though I am quite tired and in pain some days?
Go to the Progress function, by clicking on the circle at the top left of the main page. You will then be asked 4 questions – how is your fatigue level, your mood, your sleep and finally, “How are you finding your exercise program?” If you are finding your individualised program too difficult on a particular day, click on the “Difficult” icon, which will automatically take your program down and lighter by one level. You will need to allow a little extra time for the new program to load when you click back on Your Exercise Journey – Strength and Resistance. If your program continues to be too difficult or too easy, repeat this step until you have the right Strength and Resistance Program for you on any particular day.
Why does the app ask me every three days, “How are you feeling?”
It is important that we track how you are feeling, so that you continue to be automatically streamed into the right Resistance and Strength Program, as your levels of fatigue will vary during your treatment. This is a prompt for Breast Cancer Recovery to encourage you to keep up your exercises during treatment, plus it also ensures you are in the right program suited to your particular circumstances.
I am worried that some of the recommendations in Your Fasting Journey and Your Vitamin D Journey may negatively affect my treatment.
All recommendations and information in the app are based on the latest scientific and medical research. None of the Journeys are contra indicated to any Breast Cancer treatment protocol. In fact, the Journeys have been specifically designed and developed to improve treatment efficacy, help you endure more treatment and bounce back quicker. If you have any concerns or doubts about any of the Journeys, please consult and liaise closely with your treating practitioners and specialists.
How do I use the Research section in some of the Journeys?
Breast Cancer Recovery has ensured our Journeys are based on the latest scientific and medical research, based on human trials. It is important you feel confident that the information is based on objective research and will support and optimise your recovery. At any stage, you may click on the Research links to any of the papers, as we want our users to have access to the actual research papers. Our goal is to minimise confusion, in particular the “Google overload” that often occurs after a difficult diagnosis. We want you to have access to one comprehensive resource to optimise your recovery and ensure you are confident you are getting the absolute best, state of the art information.
I can’t afford expensive gym programs and I can’t afford all organic food. Is that what you will need me to do?
Breast Cancer Recovery has been developed so that every woman in the world can have access to the best health and recovery outcomes, no matter their individual circumstances. The exercises have been developed for you to do in the comfort of your own home. You don’t need an Exercise Physiologist or gym membership, as your treatment in itself can be expensive. You may also be time poor or find it too overwhelming to go to the gym because of the side effects of your treatment. Your individualised Strength and Resistance Program and your Daily Activities will give you the support to optimise your treatment efficacy and recovery. You won’t be required to eat everything organic. There are very useful tips on food and recipes. There are some foods for which it is best to buy organic, but not all foods. Our Food Journey and Recipes provides useful tips on how to maximise your recovery with optimum nutrient intake.
Do I have to pay for updates?
No, Breast Cancer Recovery is a one-off lifetime purchase. It is cheaper than a monthly gym membership, one personal training session or an initial consultation with an allied health professional. It is a lifetime membership to keep you updated on the latest medical evidenced-based research on broad topics relevant to your breast cancer treatment and recovery. We also recognise that beyond your recovery, you are likely to want to be kept informed on all the latest evidenced-based information to optimise your health and minimise the risk of reoccurrence.